As excitement builds over the release of the long-awaited new movie version of F. Scott Fitzgerald's iconic jazz age novel The Great Gatsby, we thought you might like to see a few quirky examples of 1920s humour regarding the fashions and fads of the era ...
Firstly a cheeky little cartoon on the changing hairstyles and hemlines of the era, taken from Punch magazine, 1928.
The text reads "It is perhaps just as well that the twentieth-century girl, after having bobbed her hair, then shingled it, then adopted the Eton crop, never quite reached the Dartmoor shave and is now starting to grow it (and her dress) again".
The cartoon below is from the Eve Pictorial and reads as follows:
Angry young lady. "I hate her! She says such catty things. She just told me I had a pretty figure."
Her companion. "But - pardon me - why is that so offensive?"
Angry young lady. "Oh, surely even you must know that figures are hopelessly out of fashion!".
And finally, another cartoon from the Eve Pictorial, 1922 on 'Feminine Logic' which says:
Adam. "Good gracious, Eve! You aren't really going out in that apology for a dress?"
Eve. "Sure thing, old top! One must be in the fashion, or die."
Adam. "I see Paris says skirts are longer and longer. Oughtn't you to -"
Eve. "Not for this child. It's the fashion not to care a hang for fashion."